Institut für Zukunft
NTS Radio
Fridman Gallery
Live recording from Fridman Gallery, July 2015
FREIFELD / DRUCKFELD / DIFFUSFELD ist ein neues elektroakustisches Set, konzipiert für große Tonanlagen. Das Material besteht zum einen aus manipulierten Testtönen – die ich normalerweise in meiner professionellen Tätigkeit als Tontechniker benutze, um PA-Anlagen einzumessen – und als Kontrast, aus diversen Feld- und Raumaufnahmen*, die Tiefe und Komplexität erzeugen. Dynamik und Frequenzfülle der Klubanlage wird ausgelotet.
*Feldaufnahmen teilweise von Patrick Franke zur Verfügung gestellt
FREE FIELD / PRESSURE FIELD / DIFFUSE FIELD is a new live set made for bigger sound systems using test tones and field recordings as the sonic material. Neumann understands speakers in a space as his instrument, with the speaker being the vibrating string and the space the resonant body. The reduced vocabulary of this improvised set allows him to fathom the dynamic and tonal range of these systems to create unique spatial, physical and psycho-acoustic effects. The title is derived from measurement microphone characteristics, but here these technological terms are poetically expanded into a broader field of meanings and experiential understandings (s. below). For Neumann this set is also an expression of how his professional sound engineering work is informing his artistic practice.
Info on various iterations
June 20 2015: Quadrophonic open air set at Spinnerei Chemnitz, Germany
June 21 2015: Club version at Institut für Zukunft, Leipzig
June 23 2015: NTS radio show - Live session with Kassem Mosse
(Click to listen to the whole show or dial in to my "live set with interruptions" at 51:00)

July 15 2015: Six-channel version for In The Glow Of A Breathing Sphere at Fridman Gallery, New York
Audio Recording

General background info
sound field with no reflections or reverberation
frequency compensation for the microphone’s own presence in the sound field; when a microphone is placed in a sound field, it modifies the field.
sound source is localized as coming from one specific direction
→ the listener is present, conscious, self-conscious
→ a unique relationship between the source of the sound and each individual listener, different for each
a passing wave, in which the sound pressure has the same magnitude and phase at any position in the sound field
without the need for the microphone to correct for its own presence
sound is coming from a general direction, yet hard to localize
→ the listener is passed, an unknown witness, everyone the same
→ body relation to the sublime
a sound field where the sound waves arrive equally from all directions; room with reflections, or multiple sound sources
microphones respond in a uniform manner to any signal arriving on its measuring surface from any angle
also called Random Incidence Field; the flow of energy is equally probable in all directions
→ the listener is immersed, lost in the field
→ disorienting, complex, random, unclear if the same or entirely different for each individual listener
*Feldaufnahmen teilweise von Patrick Franke zur Verfügung gestellt
FREE FIELD / PRESSURE FIELD / DIFFUSE FIELD is a new live set made for bigger sound systems using test tones and field recordings as the sonic material. Neumann understands speakers in a space as his instrument, with the speaker being the vibrating string and the space the resonant body. The reduced vocabulary of this improvised set allows him to fathom the dynamic and tonal range of these systems to create unique spatial, physical and psycho-acoustic effects. The title is derived from measurement microphone characteristics, but here these technological terms are poetically expanded into a broader field of meanings and experiential understandings (s. below). For Neumann this set is also an expression of how his professional sound engineering work is informing his artistic practice.
Info on various iterations
June 20 2015: Quadrophonic open air set at Spinnerei Chemnitz, Germany
June 21 2015: Club version at Institut für Zukunft, Leipzig
June 23 2015: NTS radio show - Live session with Kassem Mosse
(Click to listen to the whole show or dial in to my "live set with interruptions" at 51:00)

July 15 2015: Six-channel version for In The Glow Of A Breathing Sphere at Fridman Gallery, New York
Audio Recording

General background info
sound field with no reflections or reverberation
frequency compensation for the microphone’s own presence in the sound field; when a microphone is placed in a sound field, it modifies the field.
sound source is localized as coming from one specific direction
→ the listener is present, conscious, self-conscious
→ a unique relationship between the source of the sound and each individual listener, different for each
a passing wave, in which the sound pressure has the same magnitude and phase at any position in the sound field
without the need for the microphone to correct for its own presence
sound is coming from a general direction, yet hard to localize
→ the listener is passed, an unknown witness, everyone the same
→ body relation to the sublime
a sound field where the sound waves arrive equally from all directions; room with reflections, or multiple sound sources
microphones respond in a uniform manner to any signal arriving on its measuring surface from any angle
also called Random Incidence Field; the flow of energy is equally probable in all directions
→ the listener is immersed, lost in the field
→ disorienting, complex, random, unclear if the same or entirely different for each individual listener