Galerie Parismoskau
Patrick Franke / Daniel Neumann
an installative performance for a room

MODULE 2.2 is the 3rd interation in the series of installative and experimental performance concepts by Franke and Neumann. The focus for MODULE 2.2 lays on the acoustic characteristics of the performance room itself. Prestructured compositional elements as well as accidental ones all become an instruments and tools to map out and articulate said characteristics. The physical room is set to act as an overall architectural filter therefore becoming the centre of this work.

FrankeNeumann parismoskau leipzig soundart

The point of departure is two graphical notations by Patrick Franke and Daniel Neumann containing four parameters:
record (spherical microphone, determined durations)
record (spherical microphone, open durations)
play-buffer (signals recorded before)
play-tape (tape recorder).
FrankeNeumann parismoskau leipzig soundart score
These notations determine when and how the two actors play signals from the tape recorder, record signals via the microphones or replay those (modulated) signals.

Due to the room’s specific architectural-acoustic attributes, certain frequencies (the resonant frequencies) will be accentuated and accumulated, others suppressed.

FrankeNeumann parismoskau leipzig soundart
FrankeNeumann parismoskau leipzig soundart
FrankeNeumann parismoskau leipzig soundart
FrankeNeumann parismoskau leipzig soundart