Crónicaster at Crónicaelectronica
Leipzig Museum of Contemporary Art / GfZK, Neubau
Podcast on crónica electronica
Published as a podcast on crónicaelectronica: Crónicaster #43

Franke Neumann Schmidt Weinheimer

The piece INNEN & AUREN (Inside & Auras) is a mixed and edited version of the concert INNEN & AUßEN (In/-side & Out/-side), that took place at the Leipzig Museum of Contemporary Art / GfZK on Dec. 15 2007. Neumann, who edited it, interpreted and translated the spatial experience of the live concert to this stereo version. The chronological order of the concert was kept, but condensed. No sounds or effects were added.

FrankeNeumannSchmidtWeinheimer ModularCollaboration GFZK Leipzig

The original concert
Franke Neumann Schmidt Weinheimer 
INNEN & AUßEN (In/-side & Out/-side)

Concert and installation for microphones, speakers, violin, flute, electronics & headphones
Performed as the final concert in the series AlulaTonSerien Konzert at the New Building of the Leipzig Museum of Contemporary Art / GfZK.
December 15 2007

FrankeNeumannSchmidtWeinheimer ModularCollaboration GFZK Leipzig
FrankeNeumannSchmidtWeinheimer ModularCollaboration GFZK Leipzig

Four performers created a systemic composition, spanning over three rooms, inside and outside of the gallery. Each of the performers developed their own “Module” (instrument, location, placement within the system, which includes the site of gallery and other players). Each performer therefore occupied a certain position and function within the systemic network. With each Module a statement about being inside and outside of different acoustic arenas was made.

FrankeNeumannSchmidtWeinheimer ModularCollaboration GFZK Leipzig

F - Patrick Franke
microphone outside of the gallery
N - Daniel Neumann
speakers behind a glass wall, microphone in room 1, feed from Franke and laptop
S - Ole Schmidt
speakers outside the gallery and in room 1, two headphones in room 3, microphone, sine wave generator, feed from Franke and laptop
W - Chris Weinheimer
four speakers in room 1, one speaker outside the gallery, violin, bass flute with internal microphones and electronics