Organ Room (Orgelsaal) at the School of Music (HFM)
Soundfield study for the Orgelsaal during the Gutenberg Sound Art Academy 2019 (GUSAC 2019) in Mainz.

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz

This sound installation was conceived during the Gutenberg Sound Art Academy, GUSAC 2019. It was a rather spontaneous iteration within the continual work series CHANNELS (CHANNELS.var11). The title is a play on Deleuzes’ concept of “Body Without Organs”, and refers to the acousmatic listening situation here: There are two organs in the space, yet, no organists. Deleuze describes his term “Body Without Organs” as “a collection of potentials” and a focus on the overall shape/being, not the functions of the individual parts in a system. In a reverse interpretation Neumann focused his composing on the individual sounds, the speaker positions and the relationships between each speaker and the physical space of the Orgelsaal (organ room) without aiming for an overall cause. The loudspeakers function as independent agents in their respective positions. Sound materials travel through. The sum, of course, creates an overall soundfield in the room, yet, potentially quite different, depending on where one is listening from.
danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz

Soundfield for Neumann is the name for the four-dimensional listening space: depth, width, height, time. In soundfield composition sounds are projected into the architectural (three-dimensional) space in which the sounds resonate and reverberate. Through resonance and reverberation various characteristics of the physical space are being articulated and experienced from within. The physicality and materiality of sound itself is foregrounded and varied over time. Sound becomes the sculptural gestalt.

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz bernhardleitner
Consultation with Bernhard Leitner

danielneumann soundart installation gusac2019 klangkunst
Speaker layout::

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 01

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 02

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 03

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 04

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 05

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 06

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 07

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz
Speaker 08

danielneumann installation soundart klangkunst gusac gusac2019 hfmmainz